Σύντομη Περιγραφή

Since this day, this woman remains confined to a bed, since she has been diagnosed with spastic quadriplegia.Evanthia is struggling to get back on her feet in order to return home to her four-year-old daughter. Let us all support Evanthia who is currently being hospitalized in a private rehabilitation center! Any contribution, big or small, can make a great difference! 

Mission accomplished! Together we have managed to gather the amount of that was required for Evanthia’s rehabilitation, the 28-year-old mother from Mytilene.

από Steve Tsomp

  • 24.400,00 

  • 25.381,00 

  • Target Goal

Ποσοστό :
The campaign is successful.

Steve Tsomp

97 Εκστρατείες | 0 Loved campaigns

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Πληροφορίες Εκστρατείας

28-year-old Evanthia, lived happily in Mytilene with her family, until one day she met a cruel fate. While returning home from work, the young woman got hit by a truck. The collision was so intense that she suffered severe craniocerebral injuries and was rushed to the ICU in a vegetative state. After a long-term hospitalization, the woman was finally out of danger. However, the uphill struggle had just begun. Until this day, Evanthia is unable to move her extremities, while she is exhibiting signs of intellectual disability. As a result, she is unable to communicate or satisfy her everyday needs. The attending doctors recommended that she were airlifted to a specialized rehabilitation center, in order to be subjected to an intensive kinesiotherapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy program, until she could regain her speech and motor skills. Evanthia is struggling to get back on her feet, however the cost of the hospitalization at the rehabilitation center — which is necessary in order to recover — amounts to 24.400 euros, a sum that the family cannot afford without our help. Together, we can offer to this young mother the greatest gift of all: a chance to reunite with her four-year-old daughter and her family. Let us all join forces one more time! Any contribution, big or small, can make a great difference!


  • 28-04-2022

    Mission accomplished!

    Thanks to your immediate mobilization, we have managed to gather the amount of 25.381 euros that was required for Evanthia’s rehabilitation, the 28-year-old woman from Mytilene who is still being hospitalized, since she had suffered quadriplegia resulting from a severe car accident.
    We have already settled the family’s debt that amounts to 16.508 euros. This sum includes the hospitalization costs for the past three months, a surgical operation that was performed on her legs, as well as some orthopedic devices that were required during the course of her treatments. The remaining amount will be used in order to cover the hospitalization costs for the next three months, as well as an additional major surgery that he must undergo within the next few months.
    This young mother is daily struggling in order to get back on her feet and we sincerely hope that she makes a full recovery! On behalf of the family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for being by her side, proving that human solidarity can work wonders!
    Dear Evanthia, we wish you a speedy recovery and he hope that you will soon be able to return to the loving arms of your daughter and your family, who have been so patiently waiting to see you strong and healthy! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

  • 14-04-2022

    The heart-breaking public appeal of Evanthia’s husband

    The heart-breaking public appeal of Evanthia’s husband, the 28-year-old young woman form Mytilene who is being hospitalized in a rehabilitation center, after surviving a severe car accident.
    The young mother is fighting against all odds in order to get back on her feet and return to the loving arms of her 4-year-old daughter and her family. However, the cost for her hospitalization is unbearable and her family cannot possibly settle the medical bills without our immediate support!
    Even though Evanthia has started to show some improvement, she will have to stop with her treatments due to financial reasons. Together, we can help this young woman recover! Even the smallest contribution, can make a great difference!


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